"Cobus Bosman"

"Cobus Bosman"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cobus Bosman Images Today And Yesterdays surfing!

People always complaining about cold water crowds and sharks in Cape Town, 45 minutes drive you find the most beautiful caves, warm, clear uncrowded water! this place is pretty much heaven  for me we are honestly so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. Been going down to the beach so much this past summer. hanging out with some awesome Friends and pretty ladies soaking up some sun , surfing shit loads and doing some shoots, capturing some amazing imaging from Cobus just like these.........

photo bosman
some more tube time shared with Bosman


alice steele said...

great surfer + amazing photographer = really cool blog.
and i feature again :)

tom said...

these should be in a mag.