"Cobus Bosman"

"Cobus Bosman"

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Perfect Day!

As a frothing young surfer all you have to do is give me waves and im happy... Today we all got a lot more than we bargained for sitting bored at home we take a drive round the coast, pump the music listen to some sick prodogy and pendulum (actually discovered a new favourite song from pendulum called slam, (Andrews going to kill me for using his idea but definitely using that song for my first section in one of my movies to come.)) 

just taking the piss of everyone that walks past with our masks just causing trouble like we normally do when there no waves 

but as we got round the corner of koel bay we all started screaming .. There was no wind and a decent amount of swell, the sun was out beach was packed (few people surfing) clear water, warm water. Its days like today that remind me why this magical little beach of ours is my favourite spot in the world. 

Daniel Botha took these photos, very talented behind the lens
 Amazing day at cool bay couldn't ask for much more.
 More exposure for my sponsors means exposing myself more and getting my lizzard out!
  people are over seeing normal surfing shot after normal surfing shot so i decided to try something fresh, paddled out naked just so you blog viewers can get some entertainment from my blog and mabe come back to again to my sight, in search of crazy shit like this!

stand up boogyboarding, throwing buckets on the sponge!
 The beach was perfect today warm water,clear water, perfect waves,and beautiful woman,everyone can appreciate a good ass... not bad for over 40. MILF!
 I probably should have left this shot small, but here is some more entertainment! Myself and Andrew enjoying a party wave in our birthday suit..

Another beautifull girl thats just worth putting on your sight!


Anonymous said...

Excellent Blog

Vic said...

Well done Jake. Really good first blog. Hope it gets noticed

Mark said...

siiick one

Richard said...

nice one jake

Lani said...

Sickkkkkk blog Jacob ;)
Carry on putting the posts & pics up!

Rigard Smit said...
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alice steele said...
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alice steele said...
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Candice said...

nice dick andrew (: